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A Long Time Coming by Meghan Quinn ePub/PDF Download

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A Long Time Coming by Meghan Quinn ePub

Details On the Story of "A Long Time Coming" by Meghan Quinn

An absolutely funny parody of the evergreen romantic comedy classic, My Best Friend's Wedding, written by USA Today and Amazon Charts bestselling author Meghan Quinn. These two closest friends bring the fire to the pages while illustrating that one's true love may be right in front of their eyes the whole time.

Do you have any idea what a man-in-waiting is supposed to do?

It's true, the person who will one day become my best friend's terrible spouse hasn't either. I apologise, I intended to say mother-in-law. Moreover, the idea that "the bride gets what she wants" is not one that she is familiar with at all.

For the sake of getting the wedding arrangements off the ground on schedule, my best friend Lia has asked for my assistance in taming the fearsome Mrs. Beaver. In spite of the fact that I am supposed to be her man-in-waiting (or man of honour), I make the decision to take matters into my own hands.

The one and only catch is that as the date of the wedding approaches closer, I discover that I am having second thoughts about my relationship with my closest friend.

I've always felt that she was beautiful, but after seeing her... My ability to focus for extended periods of time is somewhat limited, and I have a habit of staring for much too long. My hand lingered there for an additional minute. In addition to that, how does she act when she's feeling down? letting her spend the night in my bedroom using my bed.

The realisation hits me like a blizzard, and there is no way I can take the information in at that point. My closest companion and I have begun a romantic relationship. More than just captivated; wholly taken with the object of one's affection.

Nothing can take my mind off the reality that she is one of a kind, and there is no one else like her.

Not the woman I try to date while helping Lia with the wedding preparations. She's not interested.

Particularly not her furious fiance, who is worried that I am becoming too friendly with his future wife.

She ought to centre her attention on how content she is rather than the approaching date of her wedding.

That just left me with one potential move to make next. Demonstrate to Lia that I am the person she ought to be seeing. I'd like to say that claiming the girl is simple, but the pressure of the engagement, the stress from her mother-in-law to be, and the breathless nerves are making it a lot more difficult than I'd like to admit. I'd like to say that claiming the girl is simple.

Please remember me in your prayers...

Author Meghan Quinn

Meghan Quinn's Author Page on Facebook Can Be Found at:

She did read novels while she was in high school, but she was so preoccupied with other difficulties affecting teenagers that she didn't have the leisure to enjoy a nice book while cuddled up on the couch on a rainy day. The first time Author received a Kindle for Christmas was one year later, and after that, everything in her world was turned completely upside down. When she was hunting for books, she made her initial discovery of the contemporary romance genre, and ever since then, she hasn't turned away.

You can either find her with her head buried in her Kindle, listening to music that is heartbreakingly inspiring, or working away on a computer while she is driving her readers crazy with anticipation. She twists and turns the lives of her characters and drives her readers crazy with anticipation.

The author calls the gorgeous city of Colorado Springs, where the sun never sets and where there are hiking trails just around every corner, his home at the present time. She shares her lovely and comfortable home with her five furry children and the man who is the love of her life.

A Long Time Coming Book Synopsis

Both Lia and Breaker were members of a top-secret scrabble club at their respective colleges when they first crossed paths. They embrace their nerdiness and pursue their passions without caring what other people think of them or how they appear to others. The instant attraction that exists between these two is undeniable, yet for the following ten years, they don't do anything more than remain best friends. But, due of how well they fit together, you can tell that they were always intended to be together. Breaker is the one she turns to, despite the fact that Lia is getting married, because they are each other's persons from the inside out. Breaker makes the proposal to be her man in waiting and to assist her with the planning of her wedding, all while ensuring that her voice and thoughts are not overlooked in the process. Breaker finds out that her future husband is manifestly uninterested in assisting her in planning their wedding, and that he is also a mama's boy who will be married to the mother in law from hell. Lia is feeling stuck and confused as a result of all that is going on, and her best friend is the only person who can provide her with any solace. But when Lia realises that her prospective spouse isn't the person she should be with, will Beaker be there for her to rush into? Or will they be satisfied to keep their relationship at the level of friends?

I also enjoy how strongly Beaker believed up until the moment where he realised that he and Lia were more than simply friends with each other. Man is also used to his brothers making a mockery of him while secretively caring her, and yet prior to that moment (which had been beautifully written), he had only ever met her in a platonic capacity. He was used to the fact that his brothers made fun of him for secretly loving her. At that moment, it was either go all in or go home empty handed. He tried everything in his power to persuade Lia that she was making do with far less than she deserved and that he was the one for her by convincing her that she was getting by with far less than she deserved.

The central idea of the Tale

It worried me that during the most of the book, they each had their attention focused on a different set of people. I understand that the main focus of the narrative is Lia's almost-marriage to the wrong man, but I really wish she had broken up with him much sooner (though that bakery scene was FANTASTIC.) Although while I'm relieved that the woman he sought to date didn't have any sneaky schemes under her sleeve and was simply wonderful, I detested the fact that Breaker pursued a romantic relationship with another person (this was before he had his moment of realisation). In point of fact, I really want that both she and a certain former baseball player will be able to publish their own books! It is my hope that things would not turn out in such a way. It's not that I don't understand why it happened; it's just that when our primary characters are trying to get along with other people when we already know they should be with one another, it's tiresome to read about it. Ugh.

Having said that, I did end up enjoying the two of them getting together in the end, and the rest of the book was quite good. Even though they went from being simply friends to falling in love quite rapidly, their relationship appeared to be so natural that it didn't feel forced even though it happened so quickly. It was almost as if they were destined to spend their lives together.

This book was great, and it served as the perfect conclusion to the series it was a part of. Despite the fact that I wished some things had gone differently, this was a beautiful romance that made me laugh out loud and gave me all the feels.

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